Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Time for Kindergarten!

This has been a big week for us! Brynlee's long awaited turn to go to kindergarten finally came today! On Sunday we had a wonderful Back to School Dinner where Brady and I shared memories of when we were in kindergarten, Brynlee asked a million questions, and we talked about small and simple things like learning the letters of the alphabet that help us do great things like read. It was so nice having a quiet afternoon to spend together preparing for school.

First day of school 2011!

It was so sweet when Brynlee said her prayers last night, she prayed that Nash and Ridge and Mom won't miss me too much and that they will know what to do while I'm gone!

She was so excited to ride the bus

I was way more nervous than she was! She was ready to go!

All smiles after her first bus ride, it was so fun!

Brady and I met her at school.

She is an official Mary McPherson Wildcat

Mrs. Graceson is her teacher

Lining up for class

and listening for roll call. She had a spectacular first day, I still can't talk her into staying home for another year. =) She is going to have a fabulous school year!

1 comment:

Kelli @ The Loss Cause said...

That's so exciting for her. I can't believe she's in kindergarten!